OpenFOAM Tutorial #1 - Introduction to OpenFOAM and Linux

In this video we explain,

- What is openFoam.
- Basic linux commands
- How to install OpenFoam
- Your first OpenFoam simulation
- Structure of an OpenFoam case

This offering is not approved or endorsed by OpenCFD Limited, the producer of the OpenFOAM software and owner of the OPENFOAM®  and OpenCFD®  trade marks.
Keywords: openfoam tutorial cfd cae linux computational fluid

4comments :

  1. Thank you :)
    Your tutorial was very helpful

  2. Adrian, you are welcome :) Will upload another in 2 days...

  3. Hi, Thank you for the tutorial. From your blog, I stumbled to the course website [] and was wondering if the course material could be available somewhere. I am a graduate student starting up on OpenFOAM and the course material looked very useful.

    Thanks again for your help.


  4. Thanks a lot fo r your help and How can I verify what fluid studies this case?
