Exploring OpenFOAM® is available as PDF at http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/Comflics/Exploring-OpenFOAM/blob/master/Exploring-OpenFOAM.pdf
The case files used for demonstration are also available in GitHub. Some of you might prefer downloading from a server or from dropbox. Initially, even to me, an online repository seemed like an unnecessary complication. But, we need a version control system. Since this project is a work-in-progress, the best way to make our recent changes available online is by pushing the files to a public repository.
Method 1 (Recommended):
Preferably, clone the Exploring-OpenFOAM repository to your OpenFOAM® run directory.
cd $FOAM_RUNNow, in your run directory, you should see a directory name 'comflicsTutor'. This should contain all the case files and the Exploring-OpenFOAM.pdf.
git clone https://github.com/Comflics/Exploring-OpenFOAM.git
Method 2:
Go to https://github.com/Comflics/Exploring-OpenFOAM and in the bottom-right corner, you will find 'Download Zip' button.
Method 3:
Git doesn't allow one to clone only a specific directory in the repository. Though GitHub doesn't fully support svn, we can still use it to hack around. But we can do this with svn,
svn checkout https://github.com/Comflics/Exploring-OpenFOAM/trunk/laminarVortexShedding
kindly create a tutorial video for sloshing problem (multiphase-interdymfoam)